Giving Users The Mic: Enhancing Apple Music's Karaoke Feature

Hey fellow music enthusiasts! I recently stumbled upon a gem of a feature on the Apple Music app that took my listening experience to a whole new level, especially when cruising to the beats of Toby Mac's "Cornerstone."

apple music logo
apple music logo

The Karaoke Revelation:
So, there I was, enjoying the lyrics sync with the song – a pretty cool feature in itself. But wait, there's more! I noticed a mysterious mic icon button. Naturally, my curiosity got the best of me, and I pressed it. To my delight, it unleashed a karaoke version of the song, sans the artist's vocals. A karaoke fiesta right in my car – talk about a pleasant surprise!

The Karaoke Conundrum:
Excitement aside, I couldn't help but notice that not all songs had this feature. That got me thinking – how can Apple crank up the karaoke game even more?

Cue the UX Brainstorm:
One potential solution popped into my head – what if artists could upload karaoke versions of their songs and isolated voice files when adding their music to the app? Picture this: Apple, armed with advanced AI magic, merges the music and vocals. Users then get the power to dial in how much of the artist's voice they want to hear. Now that's control!

The UX Upgrade:
This tweak isn't just about karaoke – it's about putting the user in the DJ seat. More control over the music? Count me in! This feature wouldn't just enhance the user experience; it could potentially turn every Apple Music session into a personalized concert.

Closing Notes:
As a UX designer and audio enthusiast, this discovery got my gears turning. It's not just about what we hear; it's about how we experience it. Kudos to Apple for striking a chord with this feature, and here's hoping for more musical surprises in the future.

Stay tuned for more tales from the UX frontier, where every button might just lead to your next karaoke masterpiece!

Until then, let the mic drop and the music play! 🎤🎶

- Sreehas Sreejith

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©2024 All Rights Reserved to Sreehas Sreejith